Where to I find a list of all my individual investments?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the My Account tile. Click on My Investments. Your current investment allocations are listed.


Where do I find my vested balance?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the My Account tile. Click on Account Overview. Your vested balance will appear in the last column under the Balance section.


How often are balances updated?
Individual account balances are updated each business day after market close (4:00pm ET).


Are there accounts not included in my total account balance?
529 accounts, IRA accounts or retirement accounts from previous employers will not be included in your account balances.


What is Personal Rate of Return
The Personal Rate of Return is a calculation based on all account activity that illustrates money gained or lost (whether realized or unrealized) on an investment relative to the amount of money invested.



What is a managed account?
A managed account is a retirement account for which you receive on-going portfolio management of your account for a fee based on the account balance. The managed account feature is not available for all retirement plans. Asset allocation and re-balancing will be handled by a professional money manager. Managed accounts are suited for investors who lack the time, interest or confidences to manage their own account and prefer to have a financial advisor select funds and manage their account.


How do I make a transfer?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the Transactions tile. Click on Transfer My Investments to begin the process. Click on Request Transfer. Select the funds that you want to transfer from and continue to the funds that you would like to transfer to. Submit the transaction.


How do I take a loan?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the Loans & Withdrawals tile. Click on Loan Requests to begin the process of taking a loan. You may wish to use the Loan Cost Calculator to evaluate the effect of taking out a loan.


How to I Change my Contribution to my retirement plan?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the Transactions tile. Click on Change Paycheck Contributions to begin the process. Select the deferral type that you would like to make. Select the amount you would like to defer and submit your deferral.


Where do I find forms?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the Forms tile. Forms are arranged in the Forms Facility by form type. Navigate to the form type that you need and download the form that you need.



How do I view my statements online?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the My Account tile. Click on Statements. Click on the Statements tab on the Statement page. Select the date of the statement that you would like to view or filter the available statements by period.


How do I go paperless?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the My Profile tile. Click on Go Paperless. Read and consent to the Electronic File Cabinet Agreement.



How do I update my beneficiaries?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the My Profile tile. Click on Beneficiaries and complete the online form. If you are married, your Plan requires your spouse as primary beneficiary to receive 100% unless spousal consent is obtained in the event of your death. Complete the following beneficiary information as such. To designate a different beneficiary, you will need to complete a paper beneficiary form. Spousal consent will be required upon submission of the paper form.


How do I change my address?
After logging into the secure site, navigate to the My Profile tile. Select Personal Account Information. Select Edit to change your personal information.